Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Waco Breakup List: Rreasons 14-16

The first day of school has passed. The official high temp here in DFW was 107 degrees, meaning it was around the same temp in Waco. And if you recall, earlier I said I would not miss sweating like a pig on the first day of school- first impressions are best made without a triple layer of antiperspirant…just saying. So to all of my dear sweet friends who suffered through the heat yesterday on campus, I feel for you. I’ve been there. But I’m glad I am not there anymore;)

Now, on to the list. I must admit I don’t like being so negative (I am usually a glass-half-full kind-of-girl) so I have decided to mix it up today. One of the many life-long lessons I learned at school was from my dear group of friends who meet on Tuesday nights on campus; they taught me that if I have something negative to say, I should surround it with two good things. Respectable idea, if you ask me. So, today, and today only, I am allowing myself to modify the list, and include two things I genuinely miss about Waco. Then, of course I’ll tell another ridiculous story. Deal?

14) I really miss FBC Woodway. I started attending and serving at the church at the beginning of my junior year and I can honestly tell you that it made my college experience. Yesterday at 2pm I know the youth staff met with Bob, talked about the Cowboys game, planned a skit for Wednesday, and talked about how this summer was the summer of all summers (they say that every year haha). I would have given just about anything to be there. And I would give just about anything to get to see all of the kids I worked with. I miss them all!!!

Ok, I could go on forever. Snap out of it, Mer, what do you NOT miss?

15) Oh yes. One time, while I was eating dinner at Georges, I witnessed the most shocking parenting experience of my life. First off, you should know that Georges is a local restaurant that has been around forever. Everyone in Waco loves this little run-down masterpiece- it is a wonderful middle ground for college kids and Wacoians to mingle in peace and eat great food.

So there I was, eating my food, minding my own business when this man in full cowboy paraphernalia caught my eye. I couldn’t help but stare at his outfit, and his mustache that curled up to his cheeks. I saw him order two beers at the bar and watched him walk back to his table, curious to see what kind company he kept. He took a sip of one of the beers while he slid the other across the table to his wife…WHO WAS BREAST FEEDING HER BABY! No joke!

I mean, there she was, in the corner of the restaurant dinking a beer while nursing. Where is CPS when you need them? In my mortified state, only one thing came to mind: the quote from Sweet Home Alabama, “You have a baby…in a bar!”

All of that to say, I will not miss red-neck, beer-drinkin’-baby-feedin’, CPS-needin’, Georges-eatin’ women.

16) Speaking of food, I could use a grilled chicken sandwich from Food For Thought right now. And a rodeo clown coffee from Common Grounds. And a pancake from CafĂ© Cappuccino. And an orchard salad from Olive Garden. And bar-b-que from Vitek’s. And ice-cream from Katies. Ok, I’m done. That was a bit excessive for what was supposed to be one little reason. Sorry.

The point is this: Waco, you have stolen my heart. Despite all of your issues, I’ll always love you.


  1. Mer, this made my stinky day so much better. I need to read your blog now. Thanks for sharing! (:

  2. So glad you are blogging. I love your stories!!

